
Call to Annual Session

Courage in the Face of Fear

— Faith, Hope, Love

Via Zoom — July 14–18, 2021
(plus many events in the weeks preceding July 14)

We have been through a year of upheaval and distress throughout our country and our world, bitter divisions in our society, and rampant displays of racism and intolerance. Many people around us are still beset by uncertainty and anxiety. And we realize that in the midst of the urgency of finding wise ways forward through all those difficulties, those difficulties are, in a sense, distractions from the still looming threat of environmental catastrophe.

Nevertheless, we come together again in July to renew and strengthen ourselves and our communities so that we can be the Quakers the world needs!

Our Friend in residence in July will be Cherice Bock. Cherice is a lifelong Quaker and a former co-clerk of Sierra-Cascades Yearly Meeting of Friends. She holds graduate degrees from Princeton Theological Seminary and Antioch University New England. She works as the Creation Justice Advocate at Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon and has taught courses at the University of Portland, Portland Seminary, and the Oregon Extension in Ashland. Her special interest is ecotheology.

Please join us for our Annual Session 2021. We will find our center of personal and corporate strength through the uniquely Quaker practice of transacting our practical business in the embrace of unifying Spirit. We will gather in interest groups around numerous issues that concern us. We will experience deep worship and fellowship. And we will be challenged and inspired by Cherice Bock. 

David Zeiss, clerk@npym.org

NPYM Presiding Clerk

For more information visit
Introduction to Virtual Annual Session

Starting May 28th you can register here for 2021 Virtual Annual Session

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