Junior Friends (JFs) are Friends around high school age. Typically Friends enter the JFs the summer before their first year of high school, and leave the JFs once they begin college.
Junior Friends build their own program at Annual Session with the support of advisers and “FRAPs” (Friendly Responsible Adult Presences). In the past the JF program has included self-led business meetings, worship sharing, outings with the Central Friends, dances, interest groups, and much more.
Junior Friends Camp
After Annual Session the JFs are invited to JF Camp for four days and three nights. JF Camp is free, though donations are appreciated. Food at camp is provided, but each camper will need to bring their own camping gear (tent, sleeping bag, flashlight, etc).
This year JF Camp will be from July 14th to July 17th at Riverside State Park - Lake Spokane SITE: G1
If you have any questions about Junior Friends or JF Camp, please feel free to contact the Youth Program Coordinator at as_child_prog_coord@npym.org
Notice to Families
Each Junior Friend under the age of 18 needs a paper Medical Release Form with a parent’s signature on file in order to participate in the Junior Friends Program. Unaccompanied minors need the second page of this form as well, which also requires the sponsor(s) to sign it, agreeing to accept this responsibility. Be sure to make additional copies of the whole form to give to your Jr. Friend’s sponsor(s). Sign and present both pages of this form, plus a copy of your child’s medical insurance information, to the Youth Program Coordinator prior to the trip to camp.