Interest Groups

Interest Groups

Time is set aside in our program for opportunities to share and learn, to go deeper with a smaller group than plenaries may allow, or to meet with those who share a special concern, or who need an alternative to the more general program. We encourage Friends to attend these Interest Groups as a chance for spiritual growth and building friendships.

Interest groups will occur from 1:30 - 3:00p.m. MDT, Thursday and Friday of Session. Interest group submission is now closed. If you have something to share Quaker Fair offers another opportunity for sharing information with, among, and about Friends will take place Friday evening.

A list of scheduled Interest Groups with brief descriptions is displayed below, once the list is available.

Interest group identifiers (e.g. IG-01B) can end in a letter (B or V). If an identifier ends with B it is a blended/hybrid interest group and is available to attend both in-person and online. If the identifier ends with V it is only available to attend online.

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