Costs & Abundant Financing

Costs & Abundant Financing

What is "Abundant Financing"?

Inspired by New England Yearly Meeting's approach, NPYM practices Abundant Financing. In Abundant Financing,  we all contribute according to our ability, until the pot is full and there is an abundance to make everything happen. We seek to encourage all in our Yearly Meeting to attend Annual Session, so all can benefit from and appreciate our many spiritual gifts and Light. Cost of attendance should not be a barrier in our individual decisions to attend. While there is no money in this process for travel or advanced payments, you are free to turn to your meeting for help in discernment and financial assistance. 

How does Abundant Financing work?

The Annual Session Planning Committee establishes a budget, weighing expenses and income with the intent of coming out even.  When you register online, you will be presented with a "Suggested Fee" based upon your registration choices. If all registrants pay their traditional cost and if attendance meets projections the Yearly Meeting budget will break even. 

You will then be asked to pay as led by entering your "Chosen Fee," which can be any amount, including $0. Many Friends choose to pay the Suggested Fee. If you are able to pay an amount that exceeds your household's Suggested Fee, we welcome your contributions which will help cover the costs of those paying less.

Waivered Positions :

Full and partial fee waivers are given to those who contribute to arranging and overseeing Annual Session. If you are filling a waivered position you should indicate that fact in the registration form. The cost calculations will then automatically factor in the amount of your fee waiver to offset your registration fees. It is important to do this both to benefit from the waiver and for our accounting purposes. If you choose to pay more than you owe after the waiver is taken into account your over-payment will be considered a donation to the Abundant Financing fund. 

Cost Calculations:

  • Base Fee: $100 This base fee (for all attendees, in-person and online) covers the costs of renting the communal spaces on campus and the AV equipment necessary to support hybrid sessions.
  • Lodging Fees: Doubles with shared bathrooms are $38.88 per night; and Single rooms with shared baths are $46.44 per night. Linens are provided free of charge.
  • Meal Fees: Breakfast is $9.90 per meal; Lunch is $12.60 per meal; and Dinner is $13.50 per meal.
  • Junior Friends have a 50% reduced Suggested Fee.
  • Central Friends and younger children attend free.

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