Be sure to let us know about any special needs.
- When you fill the registration form, there are check boxes at the end of the row for each individual, including:
- See Notes
- Needs No Stairs
- Needs Near Bathroom
- When you put a check mark in a See Notes check box in the registration form, an area appears in which you can describe your needs. First, choose a category from the selection list (shown below), then describe your special need in as much detail as required.
- diet/allergy
- lodging
- medical/mobility
- work assignment
- work time
- worship group
- other
- If you need assistance during meals there will be designated helpers near the entrance to the food line. The helpers will be wearing aprons and might have signage indicating "Tray Helper". You should approach them to seek assistance.
If you have mobility problems we will put a special indication on your name tag to give you golf cart priority.