
Why do you come to Annual Session?

How Friends of all ages from across the region answered the query "Why do you come to Annual Session?" 

We bring our grandkids to see that there are more Quakers out there and to interact with them.

I appreciate gathering in wider Quaker fellowship and renewing friendships.

To learn more about being Quaker.

For the fellowship.

To reaffirm and deepen my connection with Friends and Quaker process.

I enjoy talking and worshiping with the broad cross section of Quakers; this is a very important part of my spiritual life. 

To find a peaceful space outside my normal life to better connect with God and my fellow Quakers.

For fellowship with Friends and family, for spiritual nurture, to grapple with the theme and its related issues.

Meet old Friends, participate in Interest Groups, help with Quaker Fair.

One big reason was to be together with other Friends. Being in a very small worship group, that is important.

This is my spiritual home. I am nurtured and supported by the community of F/friends in this Yearly Meeting.

To connect with the larger Quaker community. To reconnect with Friends from other meetings/areas.

I always come for worship and fellowship.

Love community worship (or Love, Community Worship)

Pay as You’re Led made a big difference to our family. We missed the community and were feeling a strong need to reconnect.

So that my grandchildren can experience Quaker values and individuals. 

 Because of deep gratitude for all Quakers who bring these values to annual session and their brave life style.

Fellowship, spiritual renewal, children’s program.

I’d had such a wonderful experience with my kids last year and wanted to come again.

To continue a long tradition of seeking spiritual nourishment, growth, support for various issues.

Listen to Friends’ thoughts on our relationship with the community of life.

Connection and growth.

To be challenged, see people, worship, sing, learn.

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